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More on the UNSC fallout

Blinken says Russia, China ‘cynically vetoed’ Gaza resolution

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused Russia and China of “cynically” using their vetoes to block a US-backed draft resolution at the UN Security Council on a Gaza ceasefire.

“On the resolution, which got very strong support, but then was cynically vetoed by Russia and China, I think we were trying to show the international community a sense of urgency about getting a ceasefire,” Blinken told reporters in Israel.

Lol now Blinken is playing the victim, your resolution didn't even call for a immediate ceasefire and was supposed to be delivered a month ago. Your resolution is the opposite of showing a sense of urgency.

Israel’s Rafah operation a ‘red line’; must be in UN resolution: France

France’s ambassador to the UN, Nicolas de Riviere, says the language on the US draft resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza was “not strong enough”.

“If you make the ceasefire dependent on the release of hostages, you take the risk of having thousands and thousands of more killings in the Gaza Strip in the weeks and months to come,” de Riviere told Al Jazeera.

“So you need the immediate and unconditional release of hostages – but you need a ceasefire right now. It has to stop. What’s happening right now is totally contrary to the Geneva Conventions.”

The French envoy said the draft’s language on Israel’s plan to attack Rafah was “weak as well”. “You have to explain to Israel an operation on Rafah is off limits. It’s a red line and this has been said by many leaders as well. This should be in the resolution.”


Hamas lauds rejection of ‘biased’ US resolution at UNSC

Hamas welcomed the resounding rejection of the US draft resolution at the UN Security Council calling for a Gaza ceasefire.

The group that governs the strip says the resolution would enable Israel to continue its military operations and “gave it cover and legitimacy for the war of extermination” against Palestinians.

“The resolution did not include an explicit demand for an immediate cessation of the Zionist aggression against Gaza,” it said.

Hamas also thanked Russia, China, and Algeria for voting against the “biased” resolution and said the humanitarian situation in Gaza demands an urgent ceasefire. The group accused the US government of providing military and political backing for Israel’s war.

UN Security Council deadlock ‘costing lives’: Amnesty chief

Agnes Callamard, secretary-general of Amnesty International, says the UN Security Council continues to be stuck in a “macabre checkmate” as Palestinians are dying.

“It is costing lives, preventing aid from reaching Palestinians who are being starved, and making the return of civilian hostages held in Gaza more elusive,” she wrote on X, renewing her call for an immediate ceasefire.

Russia, China and Algeria voted against the latest resolution introduced by the US – after Washington vetoed three previous resolutions – as it contained no explicit call for an immediate truce and linked it to a captive exchange agreement between Israel and Hamas.

The Elders group says national interests put above human lives in UNSC vote

The Elders group of world leaders says the UN Security Council is jeopardising its credibility after “descending into a display of cynical power” at today’s vote on Gaza.

“On every occasion, national self-interest is placed above the responsibility to prevent atrocities,” says Mary Robinson, chair of the group founded by Nelson Mandela in 2007.

“Our common humanity compels us to push for change to save lives and prevent famine. Governments must use all leverage at their disposal to push the parties to agree to an immediate ceasefire,” said a statement from the former president of Ireland and ex-UN high commissioner for human rights.

“Anyone who favours cynical gestures over serious effort will be rightly damned by history.”

The cynical gesture is the US using its veto on Februari 20th saying the will present a modified resolution in a few days. Now after a month they come with a version that puts conditions on a ceasefire and only really calls for ongoing negotiations...

On every occasion the US puts Israel's national self-interest above the ongoing genocide.