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West bank slowly gets treated more and more like Gaza

Israel strikes Nur Shams refugee camp with drone during raid

Palestinian news agency Wafa reports a bombing inside al-Manshiyya neighbourhood in the occupied West Bank refugee camp. The target of the strike is unknown at this time, says Wafa, due to a tight security cordon placed on the area by Israeli forces, who began a raid on the camp east of Tulkarem earlier.

“They deployed snipers in its vicinity and declared the camp a closed military zone, from which exit and entry are prohibited,” Wafa says, adding that Israeli forces are not allowing ambulances to respond to distress calls from a number of casualties that have resulted from the raid.

Heavy gunfire and the sounds of explosions can be heard throughout the camp.

Two killed in Israeli drone attack on West Bank’s Nur Shams refugee camp

Two Palestinian men have been killed by an Israeli drone attack on Nur Shams refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Red Crescent has said, according to the Wafa news agency.

Video verified by Al Jazeera shows one of the men being taken to Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital in nearby Tulkarem.

We reported earlier that the drone attack on al-Manshiyya neighbourhood was part of an Israeli raid on the camp on the Nur Shams refugee camp. As many as 50 Israeli military vehicles have raided the camp, declaring it a closed military zone, prohibiting entry and exit of Palestinians, Wafa reported.

Israeli raids across the occupied West Bank

The Israeli raid on the Nur Shams refugee camp is one of several across the occupied West Bank tonight.

Israeli forces have arrested two Palestinian boys aged 16 and 18 years in the village of Husan, west of Bethlehem, Wafa reports. According to the Wafa news agency and local news reports verified by Al Jazeera, Israeli forces have also raided:

  • The village of Jalbun, northeast of Jenin
  • Yabad, southwest of Jenin
  • The city of Qalqilya

The early morning raids come after the Israeli army and internal security agency Shin Bet said in a joint statement that an Israeli jet struck two “senior Islamic Jihad operatives inside a vehicle in the area of Jenin” in the occupied West Bank.

Mourners carry the body of Fakher Basem Bani Jaber during his funeral in the village of Aqraba, near Nablus, on March 20

Israeli forces shoot Palestinian at West Bank checkpoint

Israeli media is reporting a Palestinian man carrying a knife has been shot by Israeli forces at a checkpoint near the Israeli settlement of Gush Etzion, some 34km (21 miles) south of Jerusalem.

The man has injuries to his lower body and has been taken to hospital for medical treatment, according to Israel’s Ynet news site.

The shooting comes after an Israeli drone attack killed two Palestinians in the Nur Shams refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, according to the Palestine Red Crescent. An air strike late on Wednesday targeted a vehicle in Jenin, killing three Palestinians.

More violent raids near Ramallah, Hebron

Israeli forces have stormed the Am’ari refugee camp in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank and severely injured a young Palestinian. Israeli troops also arrested three Palestinians near Hebron – two from the Arroub refugee camp and one from the town of Beit Ummar.

This follows our earlier reports of Israeli raids in more areas throughout the occupied West Bank, including Nur Shams refugee camp, the village of Husan west of Bethlehem, Jalbun northeast of Jenin, Yabad southwest of Jenin, and the city of Qalqilya.

Death toll in Israeli raid in Nur Shams rises to 4

Israeli forces have killed two more Palestinians during their raid on Nur Shams refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, bringing the total killed during the latest incursion to four, according to the Palestine Red Crescent Society.

During the raid, Israeli bulldozers have also dug up roads and torn down infrastructure in the camp, which is regularly targeted in Israeli army raids.

Jenin residents go on strike following Israeli drone attack

Palestinians in Jenin are going on strike to denounce the killing of three young men from their city in an Israeli drone strike yesterday.

The men – Mahmoud Bassam Rahal, Ahmed Hani Barakat, and Muhammad Abdullah al-Fayed – were killed when an Israeli drone-fired missile struck their car as it passed by a hospital in the Jenin camp, according to witnesses cited by the Palestinian Wafa news agency.

The Israeli military and internal security agency Shin Bet described two of those killed as “senior Islamic Jihad operatives”. Today’s protest strike in Jenin will affect “all aspects of commercial life” as well as public and educational institutions, reports Wafa.

Fighting in the North still escalating as well

Hezbollah targets Israeli soldiers near border

The Lebanese armed group says it attacked Israeli soldiers stationed at a building in the Metula area on the Israel-Lebanon border. Hezbollah said it also hit the Israeli army position in the Avivim settlement.

The armed group has engaged Israel with cross-border attacks since Israel launched its war on Gaza. More than 300 people have been killed in Lebanon, including some 240 members of Hezbollah, while about 20 Israelis have been killed.

The fighting has also forced some 90,000 people to flee southern Lebanon.

Israeli raids resume in southern Lebanon

Israeli jets have launched raids on the Lebanese villages of al-Adisa and Kafr Kila, while artillery targeted the town of Yaroun.

The raids took place after Hezbollah claimed multiple attacks overnight on the Israeli town of Metula, a gathering of Israeli soldiers in Avivim and an Israeli vehicle entering the Baghdadi military site opposite the Lebanese town of Meiss el-Jabal.

The jets also caused sonic booms above Nabatieh and Iqlim al-Tuffah.