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The Fury said:
Xxain said:

Yeah, I've mentioned stagger before and people seem to defend it because "other games have it". It's just a bad mechanic and it hides the fact they can't balance damage. 

A203D said:

Yes. Because it's an action game. This isn't the fact the action game is bad, it's the fact it's an action (real time) game at all. Why is there a dodge roll in Final Fantasy? 

Kyuu said:

I have said before that the gameplay is good and that if it wasn't called FF7 and was just a new game with new characters and story, I might have been well into it as a stand alone game. I say to friends that the issue for me isn't these games are bad quality, you'd be an idiot to argue that. To me FF13, 15, FF7R, they aren't bad games, they are just bad Final Fantasy games.

In previous Final Fantasy game you had evade based moves that would be automated based on various stats. In this game you can move and evade in real time in addition to having enemy moves' that will ignore any form of evasion tactics. I'm not sure what your getting at here? Are you suggesting that Final Fantasy shouldn't have real time movements and controls? Because this has been happening in Final Fantasy since FF10-2 on PS2.

With the pressure and stagger mecahnics, its not like these are new things. In fact the pressure and stagger mechanics are natural extensions of the gameplay system they developed from FF10-2 then the same team went onto progress that system with FF13 where it finally became called 'stagger'. This is something that has become a staple of the series. It adds an extra dimension to the combat so player has to tactially exploit an enemy's weaknesses and attack animations.