I can't fathom how anyone can play FF7R and not end up at least "respecting" the incredibly player-involving and dynamic combat system. It was already great in Remake, but Rebirth took it closer to perfection.
I get not "preferring" it. It can get really chaotic and I tend to dislike chaotic combat myself. I'm also conflicted about the stagger mechanic. I like that it's another thing that you have in the back of your mind as you manage your ATB/Limit etc. I don't like the "all out attack" that follows for max damage, just too chaotic and ugly. Furthermore, I'm allergic to characters talking and screaming nonstop. I wish we were given the option to lower the frequency of talking, and another option to omit damage numbers for the characters I'm not directly controlling (it's sometimes hard to make out the damage numbers of my own attacks). Camera/targeting system could see some improvements as well, but it's generally good enough.
Yeah there are some exploits and cheese that will make the game easier or less enjoyable than intended, but this kinda goes for all games (Hell I finished FF6, my RPG GOAT, with self imposed handicaps. No leveling up, no magic, no Runic etc). And Rebirth did address a lot of the flaws found in Remake.
I played all mainline FF games except 11, 13 and 15 (not counting demos). And to me, Rebirth's combat is the best in the series, and the hardest excluding perhaps 14 on harder difficulties. Granted old school ATB has its own charm and can't be directly compared with 14's or Remake/Rebirth's systems. I still have my gripes especially regarding direction/plot, but I think what Square accomplished with Rebirth is nothing less than incredible. Sometimes I genuinely can't believe this game is real.