The Fury said:
Classic mode on FF7Remake is not the classic ATB. Not only was it set to "easy" by default, it's playing itself. LITERALLY. The game was designed and balanced around the idea you are controlling the character and mashing square, when in classic it's the computer doing that, it still has to do all the tiny amounts of damage to build up the turn meters but now at the slow pace. All you do is do the big moves, you don't tell it to attack or when to block or dodge like you would in actual ATB Final Fantasy, it does that. X-2's ATB was very suited for how it works with it's magic system and arenas. Characters were not fixed to a spot, doing attacks were quicker and could be chained for increased damage but abilities took longer and needed charging but did better damage, it wasn't 'essentially' a turn based, it was the ATB. And holding the controller and pressing square over and over is any better? How bored are you with gaming that you need constant satisfaction of minuscules amounts of damage to make it worth while? When playing FF games, you don't just stare into space for 2 minutes between turns. Timers continue, while one character is doing an action, the enemy is planning theirs and you can chose the action of your next character, from a menu by the time you've done that, guess what? Another characters action is available. A lot more tactical is beating the final boss by maxing out Tifa attack gloves, spamming 1 move of hers (that seemed to give her invul frames) and having Barret spam Prayer? I guess. Being able to beat enemies with Knights of the Round (ignoring the fact it costs 250MP so you can't spam it) was a reward for end game grinding. |
To add something here here, in the original FF7 you had HP-MP switching materia so you could have 9999MP if you wanted. Then theres Mime materia, then on top of that theres only 2 enemies in the game that could withstand Knights of Round. So there were a lot of exploits avaliable to allow you to spam Knights of Round indefintely. Knights of Round is also a very long animation, so I'm not sure why you would want to watch this over and over again...
I'm not sure about 'classic' mode because I haven't played it, I've only played the game on normal and dynamic. I have finished FF7 Remake on hard mode. I can tell you there is no pressing sqaure over and over again. The gameplay dosen't work like that. The combat takes places in a 3D space including air combat. So theres a lot of mobility to the movement of the character. You can and should dodge out of the way of the enemies attacks. Theres also blocking the enemy, which works as a parry if you do it at the right moment. This is almost essential if you want to build certain character guages. Then theres the synergy skills, three of which aren't mapped on the square button. All of these real time actions are required to build the ATB. So I'm not sure where this idea has come from that you press sqaure continuously during combat...
"...while one character is doing an action, the enemy is planning theirs and you can chose the action of your next character, from a menu by the time you've done that, guess what? Another characters action is available"
Thats right, but what your doing is selecting an action from a menu, you the player can't perform that action in real time, additionally when the enemy performs their action you have to watch the animation. There isn't anyway to block or evade the enemy's action in real time.