The Fury said: "Successfully" as in being forced to because Nomura took too long? I disagree on that also about ATB. The AI it too stupid to spam attack and dodge when needed and non player controlled characters take far longer to build up the gauge than the one you are controlling. Plus the basic removal of MP is sacrificed strategy in exchange for things looking cool. It's a good system just if that's the set path for the future? No thanks. FFX-2 had one of the best ATBs made and that's on X-2 of all things. Plus as mentioned before "stagger" is easily one of the worst mechanics added to video games, so they'd need to remove that before going any further. how they decided that was a good thing, I don't know. |
That's because you're supposed to change characters from time to time, not stick with just one. You know, almost as if they were taking turns :D
Not sure what you mean by "removing MP"? But the stagger bar exists exactly so people won't spam attack + heal when needed (which can get you through almost every other FF game with ease) and actually use spells + techniques to that effect.
It's a pretty common mechanic used in games like GoW, Resident Evil, some Zeldas, etc. (basically anything that involves chip damage followed by weak spot damage) but it's just in the background in these cases, not apparent with numbers and all.