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I'm one of the people that played Remake (PS4), but decided against playing Rebirth.

First of all I don't have a PS5 (yet), but this game was not going to push me to get one, because my experiences with Remake.

It's not the story, pacing or filler that turned me off Remake. I could live with all of that and to be honest enjoyed most of it. I had a problem with the combat and I know this is a hot take.

For me game play, so also combat, needs to be intuitive and clear in it's presentation. But with Remake I felt like I need chameleon eyes, able to move them independently from each other.
There is the action and movement you perform with your main character, a menu to the right with different bars (hard to read thin lines, instead of big fat easy to see from the corner of your eye), a menu with submenu's on the left to perform actions, while at the same time button smashing and dodging, keeping track of 3 characters while being bombarded with numbers on screen. Half the time I did not know what was going on. If things got heated, I never felt comfortable playing the game.

I know that there are many that complemented Remake's battle system, so I accept that I'm in a minority here, but to win Me back, FF needs to simplify some stuff instead of making it more complicated and intimidating to play.