The Fury said: Is that what actually happened though? Not that they let the west write it, more that certain companies got involved when they shouldn't. The writing team involved had worked on successful titles before, Amy Hennig was one of them (although she's credited as concept it seems), maybe they should have let her write the whole thing. The main writer listed doesn't seem to have as many credits behind their back. West or Japan, doesnt' mean the diagloue is going to be any good ( I've played FF7Remake. ;) ). Writer's aren't the problem, vetting and auditing probably are but in the case of a Japanese made, English written, I'm guessing there would have been communication issues as well. I played the demo and the movement and combat was fun and even decent but rusty. Controls needed an overhaul, some battles felt like a slog the open world was very open because of how the movement was designed. The game itself played well just no one was interested. It wasn't because of writing people didn't know about on release because you don't know until after release. Bad hype build up prehaps? Released at the wrong time maybe? So, question is, if not now, when? Is the risk of a new IP so bad right now that even trying isn't worth it and you should put all your resources into releases of the same proven IPs forever? The Ubisoft and Activision style of game production? We'll end up with just a sea of sequels and never anything new. |
Amy would have likely done better in this case, since she's got a proven track record before (in recent years she just doesn't seem to be given the time of day before she has to move onto another project, which is unfortunate).
I already said this in brackets about playing past Japanese games before Forespoken.
There have always been communication issues, like with anime sub and then to dub (and that sector has it's own issues atm with people warping words around to suit their own agendas, so yes that is a thing, and I wouldn't doubt it becoming a thing in gaming either, since Sweet Baby Inc exists as well as other companies that surround it, we are living in GamerGate 2.0 btw).
Like I said, their marketing was artificially forced and cringe-worthy, hence why it got memed on for most of it's time, then by release people further memed on the game till it faded into obscurity. The writing itself for those that actually played the game, was not that great (as evidenced by the further meme'ing). I did say now is not the right time for SE to release a brand new IP as well.
Well right now like I said is not the best time, especially with people growing to resent the release states of AAA games, the MT's, and just not respecting the gamer's time/effort. I would give it at least another 4-5 years before attempting something new, and by then the dust should have settled enough to try something new again, that isn't going to be a stupidly expensive game, that isn't going to fit some shitty checklist, and one that isn't going to be yet another MT/Live service game.
I'm not saying "forever" btw, so I'm not sure where you are getting this idea from. I just said "not at this moment", if you just want to disagree with what I've said and not read what I was saying before, to cherry pick, just tell me here and now please. I'd appreciate honesty up front. I've grown tired of seeing that on these forums for years now (there's a reason why I stopped posting in article pages on this site for that reason).
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"