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Yeah it's just unbelievable.

First time a new atrocity occurs, condemn, demand a probe that never leads to anything. And then it becomes routine.
Hospitals, schools, mosques, aid convoys, aid seekers and now aid distribution centers.

The Western media also doesn't pick up on the fact that Hezbollah is targeting military outposts in Israel, while Israel targets cars and houses. While the US & UK keep bombing Yemen in self defense.

West bank no different. The 13 year old (or 12 actually) that got killed made a few headlines, however it's nearly a daily occurrence. 124 Palestinian children killed in the West Bank in 2023, another 30 so far this year. 3 in the past 24 hours.

Good luck on your march, the UK is becoming a weird place as well.

The West has gone insane, jumping on the air drop bandwagon like it's a solution. The UK won't join, says it's because it's too dangerous, people might get hurt. While true, kinda odd to suddenly care about Palestinian lives while ignoring the avg 100 a day that get blown up or shot in the head by Israeli snipers.