haxxiy said:
When your game is meme'd because the dialogue is so bad you have a problem on your hands. No doubt that was the case, but they should have released something good instead, and a lack of quality has been Square's problem for the past 15 years. Now arguably their only excellent game since 2006 is stuck due to an exclusivity deal and it happened to be the middle game of a trilogy. Worse, one with a very controversial ending, exactly what you don't want if you intend to sell a sequel to it. |
This might be a hot take, but I strongly believe Japanese companies should be allowed to do their own writing/dialogue, and not allowing the West to stroll in like we've seen with Sweet Baby Inc and let them trash what we know could be done better (played plenty of Japanese games in my time to know that they can be corny, but also not as stupid as what we saw with Forspoken, when you allow Western writers to take over).
I do think now is not the right time for a company like SE to release a brand new IP, seeing the general economy and how easy it is for a game to just fall on it's ass and get memed on before it even has a chance to stand back on two legs.
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"