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Israel must make ‘significant course corrections’: US senator

US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says it would be a “grave mistake” for Israel to reject a two-state solution. In a speech on the Senate floor, Schumer urged negotiators to do everything possible to secure a ceasefire, release hostages and get aid into Gaza.

Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials have repeatedly said they oppose an independent Palestinian state, saying the country needs full security control over the occupied Palestinian territory, rebuffing Biden’s stance on the issue.

‘Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah’

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s government “no longer fits the needs of Israel” after October 7. “At this critical juncture, I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel, at a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government,” said Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish politician in the US.

He added that Netanyahu surrounded himself with far-right ministers and “has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza, which is pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows”.

“Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah,” Schumer said.

Israel already is a pariah, been so a long time. The US hasn't needed to use its veto 46 times to protect Israel for nothing... However now the West is starting to see what Israel really is all about.

‘Unhelpful’ to comment on Israel’s political scene: Ambassador

The Israeli ambassador to the US, Michael Herzog, has responded to Senate leader Schumer’s remarks in which he said Netanyahu “no longer fits the needs of Israel”.

“Israel is a sovereign democracy. It is unhelpful – all the more so as Israel is at war against the genocidal terror organisation Hamas – to comment on the domestic political scene of a democratic ally. It is counterproductive to our common goals,” Herzog wrote on X.

In his address to the US Senate, Schumer also called for elections in Israel and said the country must make “significant course corrections” to reach lasting peace with the Palestinians.

Common goals...

Protect the Settler terrorists!

US sanctions on settlements aim to establish ‘Palestinian terror state’: Smotrich

Israel’s far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, has strongly criticised the new US sanctions on settlement outposts and violent settlers, saying the decision is “totally unacceptable”.

“These decisions are a capitulation by the Biden administration to the BDS [Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions] campaign, which is designed to tarnish the entire state of Israel and bring about the elimination of the settlement movement and the establishment of a Palestinian terror state,” the minister was quoted by The Times of Israel as saying.

“The government of Israel stands by the side of the settlements, and these steps are totally unacceptable, and we will fight to have them abolished.”

Just proving Schumers call for desperately needed new elections. Although that might still not get rid of this kind of fascist right wing trash.

Israeli opposition leader warns Israel is ‘losing’ the US

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid says US Senate leader Schumer’s comments are proof that Prime Minister Netanyahu is “losing Israel’s biggest supporters in the US”. “What’s worse – he’s doing it on purpose. Netanyahu is causing heavy damage to the national effort to win the war and maintain Israel’s security,” Lapid wrote on X.

Netanyahu’s party fires back: Israel ‘not a banana republic’

Netanyahu’s Likud party has condemned the US Senate leader’s call for new elections in Israel, saying the US ally is “not a banana republic”.

“Contrary to Schumer’s words, the Israeli public supports a total victory over Hamas, rejects any international dictates to establish a Palestinian terrorist state, and opposes the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza,” a Likud statement said.

“Senator Schumer is expected to respect Israel’s elected government and not undermine it. This is always true and even more so in wartime.” Israel’s finance minister also denounced the criticism. “We expect the largest democracy in the world to respect Israeli democracy,” Smotrich said.

They still think they're running a democracy?