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It's been said many times the Cell is not a standard CPU, and it can be used to do some pre-processing on data for the GPU. Hell, origianlly Sony planned to put two Cells in the ps3 (one slightly modified) instead of a GPU, but changed their minds because it would've been too costly. This is why the RSX isn't as capable as it could be.  It was a somewhat last minute decision.

The Cell's ability to assist with some GPU-specific functions has been stated by many developers in the past, yet still whenever somebody mentions a new case of the Cell being used to assist the GPU, there are responses of, "What does the CPU have to do with that?"

At least the "Cell is useless for gaming" quotes have died down.

About the game itself, I'm worried about the gameplay, tbh. First person mode seems extremely limiting when it comes to climbing all over things. What will you do with no peripheral vision? I'll keep an open mind until I play it myself, though. The game looks gorgeous.