Soundwave said:
They ported Dragon Quest XI to the Switch and it looked and played fine and that was a PS4 game. Maybe too you don't need to go balls to the wall with every stupid graphical effect, they have a version of FF7 Remake (Ever Crisis) that looks fine even on smartphones during the battle sequences it basically uses the same assets as FF7 Remake. I mean relative to the alternate ... destroying what was one of the best selling franchises in Japan and turning it into a joke sales wise, they've driven that IP into the toilet with bad business decisions. Was a few shiny textures and higher end sparkly effects here and there really worth cutting off a userbase of 140+ million and the no.1 platform in Japan by 10 country miles. |
FF would sell worse on Switch than on Playstation even in Japan. Too much effort/time/cost for a small return. The decline has little to do with the platform they're on, and Japan is not nearly as significant a market as it once was.