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She declined.

WP writes that Navalnaya also refused to attend Biden's speech. Navalnaya's spokeswoman, Kira Yarmysh, explained that this was due to her fatigue and need to "recover" after the death of her husband and the travelling she has been doing recently.

Both of them declined it seems.

"The Embassy of Ukraine in the United States has indeed recently received an invitation for the First Lady of Ukraine to attend the US President's speech in Congress on 7 March. However, due to events added to the schedule earlier, including a visit to Kyiv by orphans, unfortunately, the first lady will not be able to attend," the Office of the President said.

Shame but understandable...

Another problem for Kyiv, which is seeking additional security assistance from the US, is reportedly its close relationship with Biden. The US president has been Ukraine's main defender, but Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been trying to avoid further politicising the war effort.

The newspaper writes that Ukraine is now desperately lobbying Republicans in the House of Representatives to vote in favour of Biden's request for US$60 billion in aid, a package that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump opposes. WP notes that Ukraine is running out of artillery and beginning to lose strategic cities along the front line.

By urging lawmakers to support financial aid, Ukraine does not want to offend Republicans, who may control the White House next year depending on the outcome of the November elections.