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80's Mostly into 2D side scrollers, followed by adventure games.
Played mostly on MSX, C64, Amiga 500

90's Playing everything I could get my hands on, but mostly into turn based and real time strategy, management sims, fps and graphical adventure games.
Played mostly on PC

00's Grew out/bored of RTS, still some FPS, more RPG type games, graphical adventures declined
Played mostly on PS2/PS3/360 and to lesser extent N64/GC/Wii

10's No more RTS, fewer FPS, more sims, more open world RPG like games, lot more into racing games both arcade and sim
Played mostly on PS4/PSVR/Switch, but more time spend back on PC compared to the naughties.

20's Less gaming overall, spending most of my time with PSVR2 nowadays.
Played mostly on PS5/PSVR2 and some on PC.

It changed a lot. I have no more interest in competitive gaming, online interactions have killed that completely.

I favor building/creating much more now over destruction. Management sims are still fun, but not stuff like AoE. There is no satisfaction in 'beating' a game anymore, but there is still satisfaction in experiencing games. Hence the move to VR.

I used to be into mods and tinkered a lot with games. Nowadays it's convenience, as little time as possible wasted on configuring. Maximum time spend in game. Hence the preference for PSVR2, no hassle, maximum immersion.