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Two pictures from Ukraine. 1st: A loving mother holding her baby son. 2nd: The same loving mother (that's her outstretched hand) buried under the rubble of her flat - her young baby is lying on top of her, wrapped in a blood stained blanket. R.I.P Killed overnight by Russia. Killed overnight by all who support Russia.

Mike Johnson is a Russian asset, traitor to Europe, traitor to America and its allies, a perfect example of why we Europeans or America's Asian allies can't ever trust Republicans, GOP nowadays is being controlled by isolationist pricks who love Russia more than their own country because they love Russia's straight white male fascism, a bunch of bigoted fuckers.

Part of me now would love to tell America to go fuck themselves if they ever ask UK for help against China if they ever decide to invade Taiwan and let America deal with China themselves but I know I wouldn't want that deep down because Taiwanese people would be innocent in this scenario and unlike many Republicans I still have a conscience.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 March 2024