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Back in early 2015, when Iwata announced Nintendo's partneship with De:Na and the codinome for its next home console, no one would thought that, 9 years later, the then called NX would turn out to be one the most, if not the most, successful console of all time. Now, it is on track to surpass the DS and the PS2 in total sales numbers and, despite there have been moments that it seemed impossible, I've always been a believer. I hope it manages to achieve that, althought if it happens to not do it, it won't change how incredible the Switch is. I strayed a little from the main point of the forum, so to finish things up, I'll say that I bought a Switch Lite in 2019, a v2 Switch in 2022 and I've been very happy with it. It's a shame I don't have so much time to play on it so much, but the few game I've played were excellent. Super Mario Odyssey is my all time favorite Switch game for now