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Took me a while, again, but I think given what game it was, I think it's understandable.

March 3rd - Baldur's Gate 3


Wow that game was long. Looooooooooooooooooooooooong. I thought I was done playing long games, hell, I felt like I was done playing games at all last year, but here we are. This took me over 200 hours and while it might be a lie to say I enjoyed every second of it, I did enjoy most seconds. The gameplay's not my cup of tea but it's well made and I grew into it, it was worth trying something in a genre I don't usually play because I wanted a strong narrative experience and yeah, the game delivered on that big time. Nearly every questline was full of interesting characters, meaningful choices, and most of them felt important to the overarching story, to the point that it blurs the line on what even is a "sidequest". This game let me build a party that felt very much my own - characters I connected with immediately, and others I had doubts about but grew to appreciate over time. And also characters that I never connected with, which led to them being cast out of the party in a way that felt right and didn't leave me feeling like I was "missing out" on content, even though I technically was.

So many amazing characters in this, so many amazing moments. Act 3 was filled with difficult choices, and having to carefully judge the morals of many characters trying to earn your trust, at many points I felt like there wouldn't be a "right" choice, but ultimately I'm happy with how things played out. My favourite moments in the game were my first time exploring the underdark, especially everything to do with the Myconid colony; the whole attack on Moonrise at the end of Act 2, especially one quiet moment in the moonlight at the end of it; and one particular questline under Wyrm's Rock, the ending of which left a serious impact on me.

Man, Act 1 feels like ages ago. I kinda miss those simpler times, everything was so innocent and chill back then, heh. This game was massive, what a journey. I'm gonna start giving them ratings here now, was torn between a 9 and a 10 but after writing all that, it's gotta be a 10. I had some nitpicks with it but that doesn't take away the fact that I loved this throughout more than 200 hours. I cared about it, at some points it felt like the only thing in my life, I was fully immersed into Apno's life, at times moreso than my own.

This is Apno, by the way:

He's awesome, but anyway, I've rambled for long enough, this ain't the thread for it. 10/10

(There's no spoilers in there, I just hid it because it's a bit of a long rant and for some reason this post is coming out in bold and I can't fix it so I'd rather keep the text here minimal )

Last edited by mZuzek - on 03 March 2024