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More words. Have any of the US' words turned into tangible action yet...

US to work on maritime corridor for Gaza aid

More US announcements on aid into Gaza, this time from White House spokesperson John Kirby. He said Washington would redouble its efforts to establish a maritime corridor to get humanitarian aid into Gaza, and would “continue to push Israel to facilitate more trucks going in and more routes being opened”.

Kirby said Cyprus could potentially be used as part of the maritime corridor and added that Thursday’s attack by Israel on Palestinians waiting for food aid in Gaza City underscored the need to continue to find alternative routes for getting aid into Gaza.

Israel – and by extension the US – have come under intense global criticism for Thursday’s attack, which has put the spotlight on the plight of Palestinians in Gaza, with food and water scarce.

US airdrops in Gaza to start in ‘coming days’

Speaking to reporters at the White House, Biden said the US’s humanitarian aid drops into Gaza will begin in the “coming days”.

He also said the US was continuing to work towards a ceasefire that would allow even more aid to flow into the enclave. However, he previously acknowledged that the killing of at least 115 aid-seekers in northern Gaza on Thursday – after Israeli forces opened fire in the area – could complicate these efforts.

The current amount of aid getting into Gaza, Biden said, is not enough to meet people’s needs, and he wants to see “hundreds” more aid trucks get in.

The cynic in me says he's just gonna do it once for photo op and 'see we do our best' just like the 'continue to work on a ceasefire' delay tactics.
Just more lies, trying to cover his own ass for the elections. Words mean nothing anymore, we need actions.

Yeah thought so:

Biden still unwilling to budge on Israel policy, despite global condemnation of Gaza City attack

US officials told NBC News that the American president “remains unwilling to make any major shifts in his policy toward Israel, including placing conditions on military aid to Israel”.

The officials also expressed doubt that Israel would “provide a full accounting” of the attack on Palestinians waiting for food aid in Gaza City on Thursday, with one official saying that there is “no question” the deaths would negatively affect continuing negotiations for a ceasefire.

Yet, despite the continuing conflict worsening Biden’s domestic position as the 2024 presidential election gets closer, he does not appear to be willing to substantially change tack and heavily increase pressure on Israel to stop.

Stay the course, old white fascist.

Survivor shares account of Gaza ‘flour massacre’

Yousri Alghoul, a Palestinian author who witnessed the mass shooting of aid seekers by Israeli forces, says people facing hunger in northern Gaza often head to the Nabulsi area in southwest Gaza City, where assistance trucks occasionally arrive during the absence of UNRWA and other humanitarian agencies.

He said Israeli forces target Palestinians there daily, but the scale of the violence early on Thursday was unprecedented as Israeli soldiers methodically opened fire at people with the aim to kill.

Alghoul told Al Jazeera in a voice note that Israeli snipers shot hundreds of victims in their upper bodies – in the chest and the head. “It was a massacre, which is incredible. We were waiting just to get food,” he said. “We don’t have food. There’s starvation here in north Gaza. Even the food of animals, we don’t find it. We’re just eating plants.”


UK instead of condemning the flour massacre and demanding an immediate ceasefire

UK PM Sunak signals crackdown on pro-Palestinian demonstrations in ‘chilling’ speech

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says that the UK has seen “a shocking increase in extremist disruption and criminality”, in a speech delivered a week after the country’s parliament descended into chaos during a vote on a ceasefire in Gaza. Sunak denounced what he perceived security threats against members of parliament, as well as the victory of left-wing George Galloway in a by-election on Thursday.

The Conservative prime minister’s hardline speech conflated elements of the UK’s large pro-Palestinian movement with “extremism”, saying that “Islamist extremists” and the far right were “two sides of the same extremist coin”, before also threatening foreign students with deportation and promising to increase support for a much-criticised anti-extremism programme.

Sunak’s speech has been denounced by left-wing politicians and commentators, with Labour parliamentarian Nadia Whittome calling it a “truly chilling speech”.

“The mask has really dropped,” said Green Member of Parliament Carolina Lucas. “If there were any doubt who the real extremists are, it is [Sunak’s] government – threatening to take visas off protesters and stirring up anti-Muslim hate.”

Boycott the UK as well, they started this whole conflict to rid their hands of the Jews.

Israeli MP: Opposition being ‘persecuted’ as Israel teeters on ‘dictatorship’

“We are on the brink of a fascist dictatorship,” said left-wing Israeli legislator Ofer Cassif, who narrowly avoided expulsion from the Knesset for supporting South Africa’s genocide case against Israel. Speaking to Al Jazeera, Cassif said Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is using the war in Gaza to “cling to power” while cracking down on any form of dissent.

“It is not only the ongoing massacre and destruction in Gaza that the Israeli government is responsible for, it is also the ethnic cleansing in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank,” he said.

“And it is also the political persecution of any opposition voice that is raised within the state of Israel — mainly if it comes from Arab citizens, but not only. All of us — leftists, democratic Jews, and first and foremost Arab citizens — are under an ongoing, violent persecution by the government and its proxies, like the Israeli police.”

Biden’s staff taking ‘extraordinary’ steps to avoid pro-Palestinian protesters

The US president’s team is carefully organising his public appearances so as to minimise “disruptions from pro-Palestinian protests,” reports NBC News.

This includes keeping his public events smaller, not disclosing their exact location ahead of a time, and staying away from college campuses, the US outlet said, citing a Biden ally and a source “familiar with his planning”.

The measures come after Biden was interrupted more than dozen times by pro-Palestinian protesters while speaking at a campaign rally in January. Protesters at the January 23 event shouted phrases such as “ceasefire now”, “let Gaza women live”, and “genocide Joe”.

US, UK and Israel, match made in hell.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 01 March 2024