Love Finland for that, the balls on the Nordic, Baltic and some Central/Eastern European countries is admirable. France's statements are a bit curious, I like Macron not ruling it out but it's weighed against my distrust of Macron, Lol. It's smart to put the statement out there though if only to make Russia have doubts, the option should always be kept open.
We need to let Russia feel the fear for once, those fuckers threaten to nuke UK on a weekly basis and we sit there and take it, fuck em, Russia is all bark and no bite when it comes to NATO, Russia has backed down on every single threat that it has made against the West, from HIMARS to Anti-Ship Missiles to Tanks, to F-16s to Long-Range Missiles, they've threatened us every single time and every single time did nothing.
The only way Russia attacks NATO is if they think NATO won't fight back, but if we show that we mean business, nobody would be sane enough in the Kremlin to pick a fight with us, as long as we don't cross into Russia's borders, Lol. The Politicians, Oligarchs, Generals would lose everything in a fight against NATO. We need to show Russia we aren't afraid of them, we need to set the lines.
Let Ukraine use ALL western weapons on Russia, looking at UK with Storm Shadow and France with SCALP in particular. Russia always folds when they're seriously challenged. Russia's entire Black Sea Fleet is being sunk by a country which doesn't have a Navy, short of nukes, there's nothing Russia can do against NATO and France has enough nukes to hit all the important spots in Russia as well.
Honestly wouldn't be opposed to sending peacekeeping forces into Ukraine West, along the Transnistria border and inside of Moldova on the other side of Transnistria and along the Belarusian border thus freeing up Ukraine's troops and then WE can set the lines for once, we can tell Russia, try it, I dare you to strike our troops with your missiles and see what happens to your troops inside of Ukraine.