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PotentHerbs said:
kazuyamishima said:

The thing that has been overlooked a lot after the Q3 results is that Sony itself confirmed that profits were lower due to recent Studio Acquisitions, one of their executives said they were planning on playing for them in multiple quarters, they do expect to have record profits for future Fiscal Years.

A lot will be overlooked as long as they can doom post about Sony.

I mean, Sony told us why their operating margins were low for the holiday quarter, and people literally ignored it. 

No one is dooming Sony. Quite the opposite. Even with minimal profit margins, they're still in a profitable state. It's just Sony's financial execs that want better margins.

It's the fact that they are profitable and yet still events of yesterday happened, and seems like will continue to happen later in the year as Media Molecule is still not safe from the chopping block according to Kotaku. 

No one should let any platform favoritism try to hide the realities of what's transpiring. 

Everyone should accept this is an industry wide issue as now EA is trimming down and I'm sure Ubisoft isn't too far behind. 

The gaming industry seems to be in a major transitional period. How everything will look by the end of it, who knows. Everything is crashing right now.