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Great interview here! 

I especially love this one bit when it came to modernizing the original games:

"...There's (sic) bugs and quirks in the games that, you know, as a game designer and as a creator, I would be like, 'oh, do we have to keep that?' And it's like, 'no, we kind of have to keep that.' Because even if it was a bug, now it's something that everybody relies on, right? Like, did they really intend for houses to be walls when Ensemble built the original? Probably not. But you can't get rid of that. You can't change that. You can't go around that kind of stuff because it's become part of the DNA of the game."

It's awesome to see leadership recognize what makes a game so memorable and why so many people still play it. Rather than "fixing" everything about the original, they own it as part of the game. 

Changing topics to Mythology: Retold and why it's not labeled as a "Definitive Edition"

"Just on a personal note, I absolutely love Mythology to death. There's a reason we wanted to wait to do this because Retold is much more than Age. There's a reason we didn't call it 'Definitive Edition' because many of us in the studio and many of the fans love Mythology. We all know there's this amazing, amazing game inside of Age of Mythology that maybe didn't get all of it just quite right out the gate, and that's what we're doing this time around with Retold."

"There's (sic) some pretty significant changes to how God Powers work. There's (sic) some significant changes to how you can control your myth units and use their abilities and things that really change the game, like the game plays different."

"The great thing is, all of our community council — you know, we're engaged with our community pretty much 24/7 — and they've been playing the game for months with us and they're really happy, I guess is the way to say it. So far you know. Just teased with the [livestream] today and we didn't show you gameplay and we didn't show things that I know people want."

"Like I was on Reddit, I was reading the comments on the gaming forums and it's great to see that people are so excited and they want more. But just know that we know that."

Mythology: Retold is looking to feel like a brand new experience. Can't wait!

He mentions Mythology: Retold is built on AoE 3 DE's engine, which was already a graphical showcase, so hopefully AoE 3 DE makes its way to console soon as well.