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Chrkeller said:
BraLoD said:

Playstation is actually doing very, very well.

The problem here is a global trend of corporate greed, no matter the human cost.

First it was massive work crunch, now it is massive lay offs, and everyone is doing the exact same everywhere.

The only step Sony still didn't take was throwing the quality of the games down the bucket to reach impossible goals, which most of the other ones are happily doing for years now.

Last week for the first time since it started in 1995 Magic the Gathering will stop being printed in Brazilian Portuguese, with the excuse that the costs are too high, even as Wizards of the Coast are having record breaking profit.

There is nothing to do with doing bad or being close to get in the red, it's simply corporate greed, something very familiar to us here in Brazil since ever.

You are not wrong.  I've worked for a few billion dollar annual profit companies....  every year is "how do we make more."

True. It's because inflation exists. Not growing means the money you have is going to be worth less over time. Just like everyone would like to see their paycheck increase at minimal to offset inflation, so do investors when it comes to their stock.

Problem though is that infinite growth for everybody and every company is pretty much impossible, so it's a rat race to get ahead and stay ahead. And that means unfortunately some companies will end up behaving as rats, especially towards their workers.