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Conina said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

The "PC Master Race" came from a Zero Punctuation review of The Witcher (the first game in the series):

As a concept it probably began slowly during the PS2 era, maybe even late PSOne when PC games had graphics that made console games look like a decade behind thanks to GPU development vastly outpacing what the consoles could muster out of it's hardware.

I'd say even before the PS1, when the first SVGA games arrived (640x400 or 640x480 resolution, quadruple of the VGA resolution) and the co-processor of the 80386 was used.

VGA was 640x480. SVGA is 800x600. Which is quite a difference from resolutions of consoles in those days (320x224 at best).

Then again, actual experience was not as numbers would indicate.

I didn't have monitor for Amiga 500, which was hooked to color TV via RF modulator. First time I saw TV Sports Basketball at friends (who had monitor) I was shocked at how bad Amiga looks on proper monitor. Same things few years later when I saw how bad Lost Vikings look on PC monitor, as opposed to smooth color transitions on TV via Amiga. Yes, it was more blurry and less defined, but CRT TVs had that unintentional "magic" to blur pixels for a sort of free antialiasing.

So, given the distance from monitor vs distance from TV, and crisper picture of CRT monitors vs CRT TVs, proper PC standard (that being SVGA with 24bit color) sort of had to have much higher resolution and more colors. Ultimately, yes it was better, but I'd say people tend to forget (and younger folks don't even know) how CRT TVs looked, and how console games from 3rd/4th gen actually looked on them.