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I actually agree with steven787 in that Malstrom is not a really great writer, and the things he tries to tell could be conveyed in a better way. On the other hand, he is writing about a very specific subject, from a very specific angle, so certain choices of words come from that background. For example, "story to perform a job" is a direct consequence of writing from the viewpoint that we buy things to accomplish certain other things, which have been labeled 'jobs'. I suspect not by him, but by Christensen or some other business author before him.

Still, I usually enjoy reading his articles and I don't agree with steven878 in that he should not be read. I place more value in the ideas behind the text than the text itself, simply because I believe that new ideas are much harder to come by than properly written articles. I have not read anybody writing about the video game market from the same angle as Malstrom, and perhaps even more shockingly, the difficulty is to find any worthwhile reading about video gaming business strategy. If anybody has good links to articles or knows books, I'd be very happy to hear them.