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Speaking of Stupid Rules.

It's for each and every ally to decide whether there are some caveats on what they deliver, and different allies have had a bit different policies on that," Stoltenberg told Radio Free Europe in an interview published on Tuesday.

"But in general, we need to remember what this is. This is a war of aggression by Russia against Ukraine, in blatant violation of international law. And according to international law, Ukraine has the right to self-defence," Stoltenberg added. "And that includes also striking legitimate military targets, Russian military targets, outside Ukraine. That is international law and, of course, Ukraine has the right to do so, to protect itself."

Kyiv Has Right To Strike Russian Targets ‘Outside Ukraine’, Says NATO Chief

The ridiculous rule born out of fear that Ukraine isn't allowed to use certain western weaponry on Russian soil because Putin might get mad at us, thus ensuring that Ukraine has to fight a war with one hand tied behind its back, rules which would never have applied to a NATO country, quite the opposite, if it was Russia invading Poland then NATO would be bombing the shit out of Russia itself.

Fucking Wagner, who everyone knew for years was working directly on behalf of Russia, attacked American troops before in Syria but Ukraine isn't allowed to use certain weapons on Russian soil? Weapons which the West aren't operating, nor are we telling Ukraine where to strike, nor are those weapons even ours anymore once they pass into Ukraine, it's not a loan, it's a donation.

Cause Putin might get upset and he might threaten us for the 10,000th time

Like, I ain't saying Ukraine should all of a sudden start carpet bombing Russian cities but it's a joke they aren't allowed to use certain western weapons on Russian soil at all, not even for military targets. War sucks, for all sides, but it was Russia who started this unjust war and you don't win a war by being a nice guy which is in effect what the West demands of Ukraine.

Ukraine should be allowed to hit military targets inside of Russia using western weaponry, they should be allowed to liquidate any Russian training camps inside of Russia using western weaponry, you telling me it's bad to do it inside of Russia but as soon as that soldier steps foot into Ukraine it's fine? It's completely stupid logic.

Not to mention Ukraine has been hitting shit inside of Russia for almost 2 years now and Russia hasn't responded by nuking Ukraine. Every single escalation taboo has been broken. Russia ain't going to go to war with us because Ukraine used a Storm Shadow inside of Russia, they'll moan like always and do fuck all, the only language Russia understands is strength and if you don't show it, they take advantage of it.

The solution to the minefields is possibly staring us in the face but Ukraine isn't allowed to do it, instead of going through them, go around them, an invading force into Russia, establish a staging area and attack Russian troops from behind, we've already seen how poor the defences are inside of Russia itself multiple times but the only ones allowed to probe are the "Russian Volunteers" because Ukraine can claim no responsibility. The West of course wouldn't have the stomach to approve of such a move but it may be easier than charging head first into minefields, trenches and artillery.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 February 2024