Machiavellian said:
You just mentioned 2 games that really does not make up the complete market. You totally forget all the other efforts as if they do not exist and then you make assumptions on what they are not doing even though we have information that Sony has locked out MS with other devs and publishers in Japan. You act as if this stuff is easy. Just throw a hell of a lot of money at the problem and it fixes itself, but MS went down that route already and it netted them really nothing. So no, spending huge sums of money trying to get square sloppy seconds is a waste of money when you can spend that money elsewhere. It's not that I feel that way about Japan games, you only have to look at the sales to see that they are not hitting like they use to. Even Square recognize this and the reason you are starting to see more support is because that strategy isn't working. The market will change because putting all your huge and expensive games on just one platform is not brining in the profits. MS realize this a long time ago and now Sony and the rest of the Japan devs and publishers are figuring it out as well. So no, MS does not have to keep throwing money at the problem what have to do is make sure their AAA games hit hard within the market and the consumers will come. |
Well if you invest you may lock out other consoles that isn't that bad like some make it... Plenty of games that will be day one on xbox and not ps (Ark 2/Stalker 2 as an example)..
It is about investing not throwing money, because they barely invest we now get no userbase and from like the 100 Japanese games that are not on xbox this gen we have 80 games that probably skip xbox because they don't need xbox.
Square is never content and it makes sense but even then, it is going to be PS=> Nintendo if possible=> PC =>>>>>>>>>Xbox. With the sales and barely any game releases the sales will only get worse for xbox with the possibility that more will skip xbox....