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waron said:

yeah so let's play our ps2 games on our 40gb consoles. you forgot to mention that only 60 and 80 can emulate(which is NOT A BC) ps2 games and those are about 30% of all ps3s on the market so no you can't say that ps3 is beter cause it can play ps2 games when most of us can't do this.
only wii has true BC. and is able to emulate past nintendo, sega etc. consoles. so yeah


"I love when you put some games in genres, like assassins creed and condemned. :) Funny thing is that you are the same guy who says paper mario is a rpg and not a platformer..."

oh yeah cause run n gun in uncharted for 80% of time mean it's an adventure game. assasins creed, gta games, saints row and whole sandbox games are tps cause 90% of things you do is running and shooting things/people with some driving/riding furly creatures parts.


I don't own a ps3 so I really don't know which version has BC. My 2 friends have 60gb consoles and they play their ps1/ps2 games quite nicely. They can also play a lot of more "nintendo/sega etc" games than you can play with your wii. So, you lose. Sorry.


I see that it is not possible to argue with you about genres, since you seem to think that if you shoot something in a game it is a shooter. By your logic, smg and zelda are shooters too. How about those games you listed on wii's "action" genre?

RE4,NMH,Bully,godfather and scarface? How they are not shooters if AC and Condemned are? :) (haven't played all of them, so sorry if there is some game where you do not shoot).