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Despite the fact that this thread is a joke, one aspect of the console war is fanboys arguing over which console people should "upgrade" to when they decide to buy a second console.

1. I don't know any Wii owners who feel they are getting less of experience by only having a Wii. The people I know who have the Wii are very happy with their console and have no plans to have a second console or make a decision as to which other machine they should have as well in order to have a "real" gaming system.

2. This is just another level of stupidity in the fanboy arguing.

"Wii owners should buy MY console of choice!!"
"No, Wii owners should buy MY console of choice!!"

It's so absolutely ridiculous. There are good reasons to own any of the three consoles this generation. As far as the end user, it's not going to matter which one "loses" and there will probably not be a clear "loser" anyway. Each company will make the numbers look like they won the console war. They have people they pay to do that. They're called statisticians and accountants.

From what I can tell, Wii owners are perfectly happy playing the console they already own, and in my opinion have no real reason to even care about the console war. Much like the rest of us.