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steven787 said:

Oh my god, I shouldn't have

Ironically, you can combine the two. Academics write many, many books. None of them are read. Why? They are so steeped in academic style as the masses don?t want to slog through that. Their content is also not what people care to know. After their ?brilliance? fails to create a best-selling book, they just declare that the masses are ?idiots? and that those best-selling books are written in a ?casual? style (written in a retarded way, dumbed down, for the masses).

As a student of international affairs who goes to every conference that I can get into,  I must say: this guy is talking out of his ass.  Every diplomat, politician, and business person I meet is extremely well read.

The masses are the masses for a reason, because they choose not to pull them selves up.  Acedemic writing is there for all to read, and is a means for pulling oneself up.  Games are a diversion.  Two different things altogether.


This guy is a dumbass who is promoting illiteracy.

You do realize that he's speaking about what has happened and not what is intended?

Also your passing off what you believe as what another person really meant to say, which is just arrogance. In fact most of your inserts above were just personal attacks to challenge the credability of his writing by morphing his sentence into what you believed then attacking what you believed and placing the blame back onto his sentence.

He sais he is happy he writes for casuals, the context claims he's relating this to gaming in that a product geared towards the so called casuals is actually trying to target everyone.

He goes so far as to refference Shakespeare which I believe was the definition to his point. Unless your going to say Shakespeare was against the education of people - to which logically I'd have to argue as people needed to understand the language he delivered his product in order for him to make money. That's what that entire article is about: making money.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D