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Completely agree with Soundwave and Blazers is out of his mind. So hopefully all of this Switch 2 vs PS5 stuff doesn't come from Blazers. Switch 2 running the same games as PS5 is what will make it a competitor. It certainly will not be half of PS5s hardware power lol, but will punch higher than it should due to developers being able to sit down and properly port to the hardware amd DLSS. With the recent news of no major first party games from Sony, could this be the first time we see a PS, Xbox, and Nintendo console share all of this year's major holiday third party games? CoD and Fifa are both guaranteed for Switch 2 this holiday (if Switch 2 is coming this holiday ofcourse), what other major third party games are coming this holiday? Assassin Creed Red was delayed and I believe rumored coming to Switch 2.