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zeldaring said:
Phenomajp13 said:

No because Nintendo wants to grow via their own platform. This isn't hard to understand, there's a reason Sony can't even get pass 120 million since PS2 while Nintendo has soared pass 150 million soon to be twice since PS2. Nintendo isn't releasing games on other platforms, its what differentiates their hardware not being portable. That's your problem, you put way too much focus on form factor and hardware power when you should be paying attention to the games. Steam Deck right now offers everything Switch offers but better yet Switch kicks it's teeth in, that's because Switch has Nintendo's behemoths exclusively while Steam Deck competes with all those gaming PCs and PS/Xbox. Same issue PS/Xbox have is that they compete for support from all those 3rd parties. There are too many competitors competing for the same support leading to the audience being spread between them all. It will only get worse as Nintendo also starts to offer more of those 3rd party titles. Switch will always have those first party behemoths to itself leaving them untouchable.

Explain the wiiu, GC and N64 then. 2 of them which failed horribly. I think exclusives sell systems but there are several factors  why a console has great sales just look at the ps5 its selling great with only 1 exclusive game in 4 years lol. it's only behind the switch by 1 or 2 million launch aligned.

WiiU lost support from Nintendo to 3DS, GC lost support to GBA, and N64 lost support to GB color. Nintendo no longer splits their support between two consoles. Switch fixed that. Now Nintendo's audience has only one choice, while 3rd party support audience can pick between PC/Steam, PS, Xbox, and maybe Switch 2. The market has choices for 3rd party games, while Nintendo games now have one choice vs. two choices in the past (Nintendo home console or Nintendo handheld console).

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 14 February 2024