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Soriku said:

Meh...while I don't really agree with Malstrom on that part I'd say games are severly lacking good tutorials. Most of the time you're figuring out things by yourself. Not that thats bad but just saying. It's also annoying when manuals have no info on something basic that you can't seem to figure out.

I don't like reading manuals unless they're epic by themselves, I'd much rather prefer that all non-obvious things are explained by a quick set of instructions when the ability becomes available, or in the worst case with a help screen available in the game options or something like that.

Huge unskippable tutorials are too much though, and so are big missions whose only purpose is to teach you something about the game (see GTA4 for many examples). I agree with Malstrom in this regard.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957