Pretty much in line with what I expected, although I did think the PS5 would have a bigger holiday quarter. I never once expected Sony to hit its 25m fiscal year target but I did entertain that it could beat the PS2's record year of 22.5m. Now, it looks like the PS5 won't reach the PS1's record year either. Most concerning though is the outlook for this next fiscal year regarding any new major titles based on existing IP. Not looking good, especially when you consider that Switch 2 is coming.
Some people are so baffled that the Switch's "archaic" hardware has such appeal in the face of the modern competition. Maybe it's because I'm old, but when you lived through Game Boy and watched how Atari, NEC and Sega all lined up far stronger systems and the little black & white screened handheld knocked each of them down one by one, you tend to take in that cutting-edge power isn't everything. If Switch 2 makes it out at $399 and is a hit, there's no way that the premium models from the competition will go lower than that and that would put Nintendo in a very advantageous position in the market going forward.