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Jumpin said:

I’m getting so much into pro-wrestling that I’ve started listening to some podcasters/commenters on the subject. I’m still a little unfamiliar with them, but there is one called Busted Open which is primarily hosted by Dave LaGreca (along with some wrestlers such as Bubba Ray) who had a response on the matter which I absolutely love. But first the background: the hosts were really emotional over Rock taking Cody’s spot, but many of their community were baffled how these guys couldn’t see it was a work. After the Thursday event, those people were laughing and saying “I told you so!” and such.

So, and I’m paraphrasing here, but Dave LaGreca’s response was something like: “Why not make the most of the experience by allowing yourself to get worked? What better way to enjoy the product I love than going along for the ride” Basically the exact opposite of Vince Russo who called people children for getting worked by the Cody/Rock angle. Basically, Busted Open are Smarks, guys who understand that it’s a work, and are embracing the story anyway, allowing themselves to enjoy it. They love the product, and guess what? Vince Russo hates it (his words - he said he hates the product but is interested in how the business works).

But anyway, I liked Busted Open’s response so much that I’m not going to analyze anymore. I’m going be a smark like them. And for No Escape/No Way Out/Elimination Chamber (whatever they brand it as) - I’m backing LA Knight and Liv Morgan.

Other podcasts/youtube shows that look interesting:

Eric Bischoff’s 83 Weeks (ft Conrad Thompson)

The Jim Cornette Experience (ft Brian Last)

Jim Cornette Drivethrough (ft Brian Last)

By my estimation, Jim Cornette produces about 276 hours of content per week.

Busted Open - I’ll keep listening to. And Vince Russo’s show I’ll dip into from time to time because (yeah, he’s an asshole, but) he has interesting insights.

On another note, former ECW guys are all over the wrestling podcast world, more than anyone else. I’m guessing it’s a New York City thing.

Maven has an interesting youtube channel. Not quite a podcast, but more focussing on just giving a wrestler's perspective on certain things. Foley's podcast is good. I think Cornette only does the two podcasts, but they'll release lots of pieces as separate clips on youtube so it seems like more than it is. 

Mcyntyre should win the men's chamber. Only other choice is Sami if they finagle him back into it. LA Knight should face Logan Paul for the US title. Let him beat a heel champ instead of a face. 

For the women's... I don't know. There honestly isn't a great choice IMO. Bianca is the only person there I really buy as a legit challenger to Rhea but I dunno if the time is right for that match. Becky seems like the obvious choice, but that match just doesn't do it for me. I think it would work if Rhea was actually a heel, but she's not. So, it's a face vs face match and those usually don't work.