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HappySqurriel said:

@Kurakasa and Diomedes1976

I thought everyone was insisting that the games were exclusive games released on disc ... why don't you redo your lists without the games that were released on another console or PC (and without the games released for download) and see how 'diverse' the line-ups are.


If we are talking about some consoles game library, how on earth you should not count games that are multiplatform? :) Games that have been released on other consoles (xbox,ps1/2/nes/snes/n64/cube) are another thing. They haven't been made for 360/ps3/wii.. but if you insist on counting them,  ps3 is teh winner. I think both of them are capable of running emulators (ps3 linux) -> GB/GBA/NES/SNES/N64/Master system/Megadrive/PS1/PS2/Neo Geo/Saturn/Amiga/c64/whatever.. almost every game is playable on ps3 then. :P