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zero129 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Idk, I wonder if this is a fairly outdated view on things, visibility likely sold during the X360 era and whatnot but does it have much of an impact nowadays? The people who grew up with mass internet usage and playing these consoles now have kids of their own, their parents are largely more informed and hell, even kids themselves are way more informed than we were as kids.

You'd be surprised about just how informed kids are Tbh.

If I had a kid, I would not need to be informed at all by a salesperson, if any of my gamer friends had kids, likewise to them too, my teenage nieces and nephews have not once gone to a retail store for a game or console, nor had to be informed about anything from a salesperson on what they want. They're already fully onboard the digital only train and find games via other means but never a retail location.

And the thing is, Xbox already barely has any physical presence in these locations you're speaking of so it won't change much and even in their strongest markets, it's simply the way things are headed, consumers are voting for this at large, it does suck for those still wanting physical though but it simply is making less sense for both the manufacturer and the retailer.

Xbox is ahead of the pack here but it's coming to come for everyone, retailers are going to slowly stop stocking so much physical discs, starting with films/tv then moving onto gaming, Xbox will be hit first, Sony will be next, Nintendo won't be for a while. It's what basically all publishers in the industry want so it will happen eventually.

I suspect next Xbox will be digital only (50/50 on an optional disc drive) and I think Sony has one gen left before they follow Xbox, it'll be a domino effect which comes around to everyone because it's what everyone wants and they'll be certain pushes to make it happen too. Sony's 1st party physical sales are still pretty strong but 3rd parties are largely digital and them moving more digital will have a unintentional knock-on effect on Sony.

I'm a bit curious though, I don't know how it works exactly but why exactly can't retailers just stock their sections with digital codes instead of discs? I've just seen a Target full of digital Xbox codes on Twitter, Lol. And PC's are still stocked with digital codes despite physical practically being non-existent for PC.

I wonder without Physical Store presence how PalWorld managed to sell so much ...

I find it kind of Ironic that you go all the way to necro a post..., that post was made after BG3 already was a massive succes and people being tired of me that BG3 wasn't on xbox yet....And that game was only digital so you clearly now that I never stated that digital only games can't sell.

I was the one who made pictures more than a year ago and last summer how the situation in Europe for Xbox is bad.

Barely any games available in game store,  Barely any Xbox bundles , no xbox games advertisements and expensive 550€ Xbox series X consoles while you had PS5's next to it with for less that came bundled with games like  God of war Ragnarok; Horizon; Spiderman 2; FC 2024; Final Fantasy XVI, Call of duty...and so on. = All of this is visibility of Xbox in stores.

People like you quoted me around that time and said in your country in Europe xbox series x must be sold out while the truth probably was that the store is bad at demanding consoles or they don't want any because it is not selling.

We have the results now, sales are bad in Europe, so bad that if those were Japanese sales some would say 'maybe xbox should go out that region'.

since then I saw plenty people commenting in this thread what I said before from 'I barely see any xbox game commericials in Europe it is all Nintendo or Sony related' and 'Target and Walmart will get rid of Physical xbox games? This will hurt Xbox sales'....Those are the kind of comments that talk about visibility.