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Azzanation said:

1) GamePass also needs more content. The potential is limitless, depends on the content it offers now, and what it offers in the future, it can drastically change. Games like Indiana Jones and CoD etc. Currently the content is okay but not enough to wow people yet, plus, like digital in the past, people are not fully ready to rely on a digital rental service, it will take time. Remember this space. 

But content also gets taken away.

Like I alluded to before... (AND I PROVIDED EVIDENCE) Due to inflation households are CUTTING services. Not adding them.

Azzanation said:

2) And here I am repeating myself to you, multiple times.

For starters, Epic's engine has nothing to do with this conversation, don't try to spin this.

Secondly, Steam on PC has a gigantic marketshare over Epic. Epics small gain means little to nothing to the industry. If Epic vanished tomorrow, nothing will change. Hence my entire point.  

Thirdly, you have only proven my point, the 3rd console maker doesn't last, it's always been between 2, your list shows how consistent 2 stay and 1 leaves. That means the console industry isnt big enough to sustain 3 major players. 

The difference between you and me is... You have only provided opinions.

I have provided evidence.

Meaning... I have the high ground and we can discard your position as false.

Azzanation said:

3) I am not talking about Microchips, the fact that Competition isn't keeping console prices down shows its doing nothing. Also to debunk your take is Software sales have also gone up, how did your microchip example resolve that? It doesn't. Competition isn't the reason prices stay low, it's the consumers who speak with their wallets. Gaming is optional, not a necessary, people aren't forced to buy overpriced hardware and games. You are treating this like its food, that you have no choice but to accept and eat what these corps release. All 3 players have learnt this the hard way.

Why are you being so obstinate?

Microchips are the *exact* reason WHY the consoles have raised in price.

Which flows onto the "competition" argument.

You NEED to stop propagating LIES to drive your false narrative.

I have already provided evidence for all this, so again... Stop lying.
Competition is the reason why prices stay low.

Azzanation said:

4) You don't need competition to make a video game, I could invest tomorrow with an Indy dev to make a video game. Competition isn't needed for that, and you know that's true.  

Yes you do need competition to make a "good" video game.

Developers trial new ideas and concepts constantly, they release that into the marketplace, competition dictates whether those ideas and concepts are viable and good.

Azzanation said:

Just remember, it was competition that gave us an online paywall, ironically Steam doesn't and that's no coincidence. These companies talk to eachother, you know that right? They talk about raising prices together and if they all follow, they all get away with it, because it makes them more money and pleases the shareholders. 

End of the day, if Xbox walks out tomorrow, nothing changes, Sony will still raise their prices regardless if Xbox competes.  

Again... Steam competes with consoles.

That is not a coincidence.



Do you have this thing called "evidence" to substantiate your potential LIE that Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are price-colluding? Because that is actually illegal and you could take them to court and walk away as a very rich person... I already know the answer to that.
It's a "no".

So my best piece of advice is don't propagate lies, conspiracies and false information if you have zero empirical evidence to back it up.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--