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I chose series s a I think it'll be closer to that than the ps4 pro or it'll be somewhere in the middle. I think Nintendo will concerntrate more on the handheld aspect of the switch 2 because as from the beginning of the switch life it was considered a console but was always a handheld that really replaced the 3DS. So the hardware won't need 4k resolution, probably won't even bother with  ray tracing. Won't make sense to have in the art style of Mario or zelda. The handheld will benefit more from having 60htz or even 120. That would be a great advantage to advertise. But also it's hard to say if Nintendo want 3rd party games to run just aswell. Even old PS4 games look shocking on the switch. Does Nintendo need 3rd party. They seem to sell OK without the need of GTA, COD