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I'm really curious as to how far PS may eventually go in terms of multiplat releases in the future. In just a matter of a few years, we now have major first-party PS games being ported to PC albeit heavily delayed including the purchase of a dedicated PC porting studio, Death Stranding was able to make it to PC Game Pass due to Sony licensing the publishing rights of the game on PC, the purchase of Bungie yet Bungie still remaining fully multiplat, MLB: The Show going fully multiplat (although I'm sure not Sony's choice) multiplayer games now being put on PC day in date with console starting with Helldivers 2 this week, and it currently seems to be the Until Dawn remaster (a single player game) may be put on PC day in date with console as well.

Sony's CEO made it clear console will of course be the primary focus, but everything is in such disarray, who knows what the gaming landscape will look like by the end of the decade.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind