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Dulfite said:

One thing I'm now fascinated by is the notion that, if MS has great success (profit-wise) of launching games on PS5, with Sony already admiting their business model is outdated compared to MS's, how long until Sony follows suit and releases brand new PS5 games on Series S/X?

In a couple years, PS5/NS2 players may be playing Halo and Xbox Series/NS2 users may be playing Spiderman. I would love this!

The reason MS are looking to other platforms is because of Xbox Hardware sales. If they were going to sell ~120m consoles like Sony/Nintendo this wouldn't be on the table. Sony can ignore 40-50m Xbox consoles a lot easier than Xbox can ignore 120m PlayStation consoles. So no I don't see Sony following suit. Simply because they have a lot more to lose and a lot less to gain from doing it than MS.