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XD. These are some huge rumors, but I'm kind of hyped if true.

I think we need to take a back seat and enjoy whatever the future of Xbox holds for us.

I mean, I think people are just not realizing how much MS power move with ABK is about to turn the industry on its head and the rulesets of tomorrow are going to be completely different. It won't mean a thing for any shareholder to sell 100-150m of plastic boxes when whatever that brings you, you still need to look UP to MS for their revenue and ROI in the same industry.

IMO, and like I said in the past in other words, MS just identified and exposed the limit of the current console strategy and how it was holding the industry back, especially with the current AAA budget requirement.

People are too much holding onto the idea MS should make desperate power moves to win an already lost checker game while not realizing that the moves they make are done in a much more interesting and new game of chess where all other players are late.