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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Trump wanted NATO nations to start paying their fair share.  That's it.  If they can't do that it's not an alliance, it's a charity.

This is the Trump reality distortion field in full spectacular glory... And once you loose an argument, you shift to the next.

There is an agreed cost formula that NATO members have to pay... Which is a percentage.
That means a tiny country with a tiny GDP will pay less than the USA... And that agreed amount is 2% which was ratified in 2006 at the Riga Summit.
Trump made no changes to ANY of that.

There are calls for an increase to 2.5% by eliminating things like fuel subsidies, see how that works.

Trump literally did not make anyone "pay their fair share". And all NATO members contributed.

Trump failed... Just like building a wall and getting mexico pay for it, just like managing covid, just like paying down debt (he increased it).
He just failed at everything he did.

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Never shifted a goal post.  Biden evacuated terribly and actually suffered an invasion under his watch.  His track record on the middle east and Ukraine is definitely worse than Trump.  You were the one who started talking buildup so then I addressed that.  Not sorry for not talking about that in saying that the invasion happened under Biden.  If merely addressing your points is now shifting goal posts you're just trying to spin things.

You did.

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