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Manlytears said:

I don't know if there is anyone here who follows Timdog, but someone should really give the guy some words of support. He seems to be pretty shaken... I believe this confirms all the rumors, MS is indeed going 3°party.

I don't think they are going third-party even if they release ALL their games day one on PlayStation and Nintendo. I see Microsoft still releasing Xbox hardware, much like they do with the Surface. Plus Xbox would be the only console with Game Pass. No way Sony or Nintendo would be okay with Game Pass on their platforms without some significant compensation.

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTubeFollow me on Twitter @TrunksWD.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Weekly Hardware Breakdown Top 10 | Weekly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.