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Tober said:
Biggerboat1 said:

Look, you seem to be arguing in good faith, unlike the other guy, but you're being unbelievably naive. Putin is not 'doing what he thinks is right for Russia & the Russian people'. Please give one example that shows Putin gives one ounce of a shit what happens to his people? Did you see all those protestors of the invasion disappear? Or the scores thoughtlessly sent to their deaths throughout this conflict? Or really, any Russian who doesn't tow his line, what happens to those folks?

I guess Kim Jong Un really cares about his people too right? Your thinking seems to be the guy at the top of any government must really value the welfare of their citizens, despots included - again, incredibly naive. Putin has installed himself as a forever leader & somehow you conclude that he cares about the concerns of his people - like what planet are you living on?

You know what's different about Russia now compared to the Napoleon/Hiter eras? How about 6K nuclear warheads. As deterants go, I'd say they don't come much better. Who in their right mind is going to try to invade the world's biggest nuclear power? There's zero chance that an invasion was going to happen, Putin & everyone else knows that - you're making the mistake of believing anything that comes out of the guy's mouth.

There are many things in this world that are shades of grey (Isarael/Gaza for instance), but Russia/Ukraine isn't one of them. There's a clear bad guy - it's really not that complicated in this instance.

And before you say, it doesn't matter who is right & wrong, it kinda does. If this type of 'bad' behaviour is not met with consequences then it'll just encourage more of it, from Russia as well as other bad actors.

Others on this thread are very knowledgeable on this topic & I hope that you allow yourself to absorb some of what they're saying.

I consider myself somewhat of a world traveler. Been all over the place from the Americas, Africa, Asia and yes parts of Russia. Russia is incredibly big and diverse with cultures and languages. We see Russia as merrily the Euro part of it as depicted in most media, but the truth is that it is a federation where most states are pretty autonomous. Perhaps Putin is a dictator, but to me it is hard to believe a dictatorship would work in a nation of this size. This is not to defend Putin. I have no bets in this.

Perhaps I am naive, but then I consider myself informed naive. I don't get my info just by listening to talking heads on TV. I met people across the world, spoke to them, got to know them. I'm trying to speak nuance in this threat. In the end it's about economic power. This fuels any governments policies abroad and yes this includes war. If it's the "West", China, Russia or who ever, it's all the same. Economic arm wrestling, bribery, government toppling or bombing people. Just means to the same end.

Obviously I do not condone Putin's actions in Ukraine, I just argue that this is not caused by a madman waking up one morning and thinking I want to make a statue for myself.

I’m glad you’ve spoken to people first hand. Honestly those perspectives are lost in the mainstream media.

But I do condone Putin for his actions, inciting a war, killing tens of thousands (his own and others), and not conceding when he failed to push the line, are not actions of a great leader.

Either way, this thread has gone down a hate spiral. Let’s get back on topic.

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