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Trump Fans: Trump is the messiah, he will bring peace to the world, they'd be no wars under Trump, he would stop Russia "somehow"


Like c'mon Russia has been practically begging for Trump to return cause they know he'd bend over backwards for them. These Trump supporters somehow must believe that stopping support to Ukraine, letting Russia mass rape and slaughter Ukrainians, somehow equates to "peace" and "no more wars" as long as we look the other way as an entire country is genocide.

And can journalist outlets stop reporting "anonymous sources" from Russia's side wanting peace? 

We don't give a damn about the 'feelings of the Japanese' concerning the so-called 'Northern Territories'. These are not disputed territories but Russia," said Medvedev.

"And those samurai who feel especially sad can end their life in a traditional Japanese way, by committing seppuku. If they dare, of course."

Russia to Japan: Drop Territorial Claim If You Want a Peace Treaty | Reuters