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there isn't a guitar hero I and II are not compatible with ps3, only guitar hero 3.

GTA4 is not hardcore, even my gramps play GTA4 for christ sake, its game that the whole world play... thats why it gets it huge sales from.

/*To Joseph: You kind of ignore the fact that Square named Wii as one of their main platforms (DS, PS3 and Wii), so it is logical that their 3rd main franchise comes to Wii. (I'm not saying it will, but you make it look like it's impossible).*/

Crystals Chronicles and Dragon quest :swords doesn't sound like games to you?

those are exclusives to the system.

ps3 only have ff13 so far.

xbox360: got undiscovery, star ocean 4

psp: dissidia, birth by sleep, crisis core

ds: dragon quest ix, the world ends with you, 358/2.

its more logical to release a new IP to the wii that use the wiimote, than taking a big proyect like kh3 to a weaker machine.

than releasing a game that will keep its main style, (a button masher according to nomura itself), and will look better in other consoles.