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Andir said:
Will one of the mods please explain to me why starcraft isn't banned yet? I mean seriously: He starts these threads trying to stir up people on all sides of the console battle, ignores what he wants and comes up with the same conclusion he already decided he was going to come up with when the thread started. It's blatant trolling. He ignores the fact that the PS3 20/60/80(for the most part) play every previous game in the PS library, but he claims they don't count because it doesn't match his favored system. He ignores the fact that the PC CAN be a home console if you just plug the stupid thing into your TV. He also constantly starts threads like this. He continues to incite these threads which I'm sure have already been discussed many many times (likely by starcraft himself) and somehow you let him continue?

I'm sure it's the page hits that ioi wants you to keep coming in though. Gotta keep that ad revenue streaming!


LOL.  If you don't like what he thinks, ok, leave him be.  I tend to be of the mind set that if I buy a new console I want to spend my money on new games.  If I want to play old games, I will use an emulator and play them on pc.  I just revisited Earthbound the other day on an emulator.