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WiiU was just an average console.

Was more like an Xbox 360 Pro than a next-gen system.
OS Software slow and sluggish likely due to the poor EMMC storage bogging things down.

And reserving 50% of the Ram to the OS was a massive oversight, the console needed 4GB of DRAM if that was the case...

Short range of the tablet meant it was limited in capability for Nintendo's Hybrid console... Can't walk from the lounge room into the bedroom and start off-screen gaming.

But... It did bring us some of the best games in Nintendo's history.
Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8, Smash Ultimate, Splatoon, Tropical Freeze, Xenoblade and more... Most of which got ported to Nintendo successor and became some of the best selling games on that console.


The 3DS... A stereoscopic 3D screen for glasses-free 3D is an experience consoles have never provided and will never provide again.

It's a unique console. Again with some amazing games.

The 3DS is also highly sought after, so second hand prices on special edition consoles have ballooned to $800 or more AUD.

Nintendo didn't support it's online aspects long enough.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--