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Great interview, explains a lot of the struggles and corruption inside the UN and how it basically can't solve this conflict.

Gaza: ICJ ruling, UN failures, and US complicity | The Chris Hedges Report w/Craig Mokhiber

Former director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Craig Mokhiber, who resigned from his position last fall in protest of what he called the UN's "failure" to protect Palestinians, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a discussion on the weaknesses of the UN in the face of US and Israeli impunity.

In conclusion, it's up to the people to keep pressing for a solution and recognition of Palestinians as people.

Meanwhile more of those complicit in the ongoing genocide show their true colors

Switzerland, the Netherlands and Germany pause UNRWA funding

Switzerland, the Netherlands and Germany are pausing funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) after UNRWA employees were accused of being involved in the deadly October 7 Hamas attacks. They join other nations such as the US, Canada, UK, Italy, Finland and Australia in pausing funding.

The Swiss Foreign Minister told CNN in a statement that Switzerland was "extremely concerned" about allegations put forth by Israel and will make a decision on future funding once more information has been provided after the investigation into the allegations. Switzerland has zero tolerance for any support for terrorism and any incitement to hatred or violence," the ministry wrote, adding that the country "expects the same" from its partners."

Swiss arm exports to Israel

The Netherlands announced it was "freezing future contributions to UNRWA." A statement on the Dutch government's website on Saturday said Foreign Trade and Development Minister Geoffrey van Leeuwen made the decision after UNRWA announced it was terminating the contracts of the employees allegedly involved and launching an investigation into the matter. The statement said the minister is awaiting the results of the investigation and that in the meantime, additional funds to UNRWA will be suspended.

These accusations are too serious. We first need to know exactly what the investigation will reveal and what steps the United Nations is taking. The Netherlands will continue to provide humanitarian aid to the civilian population in Gaza through other means," the minister said.

And the accusations of genocide are not?

UNWRA already took steps and the UN has already launched an investigation.

The head of the UN agency announced Friday that employees accused by Israel of being involved in the attacks had been fired, adding that the highest investigative authority of the UN has already taken action and an independent review by external experts is forthcoming.

Meanwhile Settler violence continues in Israel with full support from the government and shielded by the military, while Israel still denies access to any external experts to investigate October 7th, Gaza, West bank, Prisons etc.

Germany's Foreign Ministry on Saturday announced it would be suspending new funds to UNRWA until investigations into the agency's employees' alleged involvement had been completed.

Norway and Ireland seem the most reasonable in Europe atm

Norway says it will continue support for UNRWA while investigation underway

Norway said Saturday it would continue its financial support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) while awaiting the results of an investigation into allegations that UNRWA employees were involved in the October 7 attacks by Hamas in Israel.

The situation in Gaza is catastrophic, and UNRWA is the most important humanitarian organization there. Norway continues our support for the Palestinian people through UNRWA. International support for Palestine is needed now more than ever," Norway's representative to the Palestinian Authority posted in a statement on X, formerly known as Twitter. In its statement Saturday, Norway stressed the importance of UNRWA's work in Gaza, saying:

"We need to distinguish between what individuals may have done, and what UNRWA stands for. The organisation's tens of thousands of employees in Gaza, the West Bank and the region are playing a crucial role in distributing aid, saving lives and safeguarding basic needs and rights."

Sounds familiar, collective punishment of Palestinians

Last October, Norway increased its funding for the UN agency up to 360 million Norwegian Kroner (around $34 million) for the year, referring to the agency's "important and lifesaving work in Gaza," according to a statement from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Palestinians ‘cannot be collectively punished’, Scotland’s first minister says

Commenting on the news that several countries have cut funding to UNRWA, Humza Yousaf has said on X: “The people of Gaza are dying in the midst of a humanitarian catastrophe, they cannot be collectively punished.

“Aid must get to those who are already suffering so badly.”